Being the website owner, it's like a nightmare of getting your website hacked or data being altered. Isn’t it? Keeping your website safe from the hackers is simply not an easy process to be carried out. Unknowingly, our websites are put at risk each day from an unknown threat resulting in a huge loss for us!

The United States suffered from over 238.6 million web attacks, out of which 30.1 percent of web app attack traffic originated from IP addresses.

Protection against Malware & attacks

You would have definitely worked hours and nights for building your website and launching it out in the market. So, it becomes necessary that the website is well protected from the numerous malware and other attacks. By now, you would be wondering that how does the malware enter our network and by which means. Right? It could be by uploading phishing scripts by sending you fake emails of some bank or even PayPal and asking for your account details and other personal information. There is a possibility of DDoS attacks entering your website under which a huge number of PC altogether attacks the website and with the traffic load, they halt your website.

Security tips!

These are just a few of them which can affect your website and in the adverse case, it can even blacklist your servers. And once your server gets blacklisted, people will be unable to reach your website and they’ll see some warning messages on their screen. But not to worry! We have a list of security tips for you which will completely secure your website from malware!

  1. Automatic backups: In case your website gets hacked, your first action would be to look up for a backup. Isn't it? Many of the hosting providers, like jiWebHosting, offers you automated and regular backups of your complete website data. Just because you can't carry out backups manually on a regular basis, it becomes necessary to look up for automated backups and stay on the safer side.  This will let you restore the data easily at any moment.
  2. Checking the content management system: Make sure that the CMS(content management system) you use is up to date or not. Just because a majority of CMS are open source and the public, including the hackers can easily view the code. In order to avoid hacking and attacks, it becomes essential to update your CMS and keep it up to date. If the hackers find an outdated CMS, they can easily peep into your network, so it seems necessary to update your CMS.
  3. Secure passwords: May it be your user panel, CMS, or email account, it is important to keep strong passwords which are difficult to crack. The best idea to keep a strong password would be to use upper case, numbers, and special characters, all of them in your password. Moreover, never use the same password for all the accounts or panels and keep updating the passwords after an interval of time.
  4. Migrating to SSL: Using SSL is just not limited to e-commerce websites only which store their user's personal data over their website and keep it safe from the hackers. It is equally necessary for all other websites to implement SSL into their framework which keeps all your website data in an encrypted form, Therefore, the hackers if try to attack your website, will get the data in a human-unreadable form.
  5. Web application firewall: Using a web application firewall will keep a regular check on your website, scans it completely, and notifies you of the errors and issues detected. It would detect all the possible threats if present in your website and fix it accordingly.

At jiWebHosting, we offer a comprehensive set of web hosting services which are perfectly designed for your website. We assure you genuine, reliable, and superior services in a budget-friendly manner. For more details and queries, feel free to contact our team and get a free demo from us!