Are you a full-time blogger or have some blogs posted on the website with the potential of gaining exponential growth? If yes, then which hosting plan are you relying on? Well if you have a blog with traffic of a few hundred per day then shared web hosting works best for you. But in case your blog is quite imperative and is grabbing more attention with around thousands of viewers in a day, then here is the blog with some important information for you.

If your blog has the ability to overgrow capabilities and offers the probability of reaping fruitful benefits in the future, then it is essential to switch to the managed web hosting plan. But understanding the need to switch from shared to VPS is one thing, but how to get it done is the major question that one comes across.

I have discussed some of the major thumb rules that will help you in knowing the importance of managed VPS hosting and the way to meet the desired goal.

Know the Reason Why to Opt for Managed VPS Hosting to Host Blog

There is a Tremendous Increase in Blog Traffic

The first primary thing to watch while thinking of or understanding the need for managed VPS hosting is to get an idea of traffic on your blog. If your blog is offering online advertising or alluring offers then there is a big reason for the dramatic rise in the popularity of the blog, hence traffic. The traffic of 1000-2000 is normal, but if it rises to some value like 5000-8000, then it is essential to make a shift to a more advanced and featured hosting plan.

Increasing traffic is associated with the effect on speed, adverse pressure of performances, and downtime. To avoid such issues, it is good to look for options that offer you dedicated bandwidth and disk space.

Ensure Data Safety

Initially, the blog does not contain much data that demands security, but as the popularity increases, there is an increase in information as well that needs to be secured from cyber criminals. But how it is possible? Since the dedicated servers are quite costly, not many bloggers opt for it. But VPS hosting offers better security and features than shared and is thus a suitable choice to protect the information away from the eyes of hackers.

Customize Site and Personalized Setting

If your blog has reached the stage where it needs control of the existing server infrastructure, then it becomes essential to move out and look for more dedicated servers. Better the server, you will get control over the existing server infrastructure. You can switch from shared web hosting to VPS or a dedicated plan as per your budget and requirement. Opting for the advanced server will help you:

  • In bringing customization of firewall configuration
  • In running more advanced scripts
  • To install a more sophisticated application.



There are many more reasons that make it essential to switch your choice from a shared to a VPS hosting plan or a dedicated hosting plan. Since VPS hosting is affordable and offers better security than the shared, it is much more in demand than dedicated or other expensive hosting services.

If you are looking for a hosting plan then here we are with the best services at an affordable price. Get in touch with us to know more about our services and plans.